مواضيع متنوعة من مودرن بالصور

كلمات اغنية we are the world , اجمل اغاني مايكل جاكسون

كلمات اغنية We Are The World،اجمل اغاني مايكل جاكسون Unnamed File 78 300X225 1

مايكل جاكسوننجم شغل الناس بموسيقاه خلال حياته،

وشغل الناس بموضوع موته الذي اعتقده البعض انتحارا،

واعتقده بعضهم اغتيالا و غنى لمواضيع كثيرة فأبدع أداء

وإيقاعا ورقصا، مزاوجا في أغانيه بين الحركة السريعة

والكلمة المختارة والحس المرهف، فكان أن استأثر

بقلوب الملايين عبر العالم. ومع ذلك، شابت نجوميته

أرجاس وفضائح وملاحقات قضائية.



“We Are The  World”

There comes a time


When we her a certain call


When the world must come together as one


There are people dying


And it’s time to lend a hand to life


The greatest gift of all


We can’t go on


Pretneding day by day

That someone, somewhere will soon make a change


We are all a part of


God’s great big family


And the truth, you know love is all we need




We are the world


We are the children


We are the ones who make a brighter day


So let’s start giving


There’s a choice we’re making


We’re saving our own lives


It’s true we’ll make a better day


Just you and me

Send them your heart


So they’ll know that someone cares


And their lives will be stronger and free


As God has shown us by turning stone to bread


So we all must lend a helping hand



We are the world

We are the children


We are the ones who make a brighter day


So let’s start giving


There’s a choice we’re making


We’re saving our own lives


It’s true we’ll make a better day


Just you and me

When you’re down and out


There seems no hope at all


But if you just believe


There’s no way we can fall


Well, well, well, well, let us realize


That a change will only come


When we stand together as one



We are the world


We are the children


We are the ones who make a brighter day


So let’s start giving


There’s a choice we’re making


We’re saving our own lives


It’s true we’ll make a better day


Just you and men][/font]


كلمات اغنية we are the world


كلمات اغنية We Are The World،اجمل اغاني مايكل جاكسون Unnamed File 78

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