مواضيع متنوعة من مودرن بالصور

كلمات اغنية my life , اجمل اغاني الفنان ItaloBrothers

كلمات اغنية My Life ، اجمل اغاني الفنان Italobrothers 4971 1

:ItaloBrothersهي عبارة عن فرقةموسيقيةالمانيةألفت

العديد من الاغاني منها اغنيةmy life:


كلمات اغنية my life


My Life Is a Party




I say hey (say hey-say hey-say hey…)


New York, L.A.


Berlin, say hey


To Tokyo, Rio


De Janero here we go, go


Hello, hello


Can you just feel it?


Are you ready to go?


Hello, hello


Do you receive my echo?


My life is a party


My home is the club


I party like a rock star


Hands up ’til I drop


My life is a party


My home is the club


My stage is the dance floor


Party never stops


I say hey


You say oh


Let’s turn it up


Here we go


I say hey


You say oh


It’s spinning me ’round


Like a yo-yo


DC, Paris


Bel-Air, say yeah


To Monaco, Santo


Domingo here we go, go


Hello, hello


Can you just feel it?


Are you ready to go?


Hello, hello


Do you receive my echo?


My life is a party


My home is the club


I party like a rock star


Hands up ’til I drop


My life is a party


My home is the club


My stage is the dance floor


Party never stops


I say hey


You say oh


Let’s turn it up


Here we go


I say hey


You say oh


It’s spinning me round


Like a yo-yo


My life is a party


My home is the club


I party like a rock star


Hands up ’til I drop


My life is a party


My home is the club


My stage is the dance floor


Party never stops


Are you ready


I say hey


كلمة اغنية my life



كلمات اغنية My Life ، اجمل اغاني الفنان Italobrothers 4971

كلمات اغنية بلادي , اجمل اغاني الفنانة انغام
اغنية يا زينة , اجمل اغاني فرقة بابيلون